Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Kenosha County Fun and More!

I was on Twitter checking out our Kenosha County List, when I noticed the tweet below about Kenosha County. That's some nice growth for the area. 2 billion in economic investment. Wow!

Since I am thinking about Kenosha, lets see what's happening in Kenosha.

Darren Hillock tells us about the upcoming Pumpkindaze festival in Trevor 

 101 Things to do in Kenosha!

Check out 101 Things to do in the Kenosha Area for under $10 on VisitKenosha.com.

A few things that jumped out at me from this extensive list:
Kenosha Pins - Follow our Kenosha Board and Share your Kenosha Pics with us!
Well as fall approaches, be sure to get out there and enjoy it. Kenosha is waiting for you to visit!

PS. Before it gets cold, give us a call to schedule us to come out and do your annual maintenance on your furnace.